The Heathland Challenge England Captains (Ganton) Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Wed, May 15

Ganton - 4 - Archived on 06-19-2024
Time Players
Ganton - 4 - Archived on 06-19-2024
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Alan Percival Astbury
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Michael Hoare1 + Philip Swan
Alan Scopes Stapleford Abbots
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Dave Williams + Tony Lissett
Alan Todd Ely City
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Mooney + Graham Marshall
Alistair Booth Frilford Heath
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Gary Boyd + Nick Kelly
Andrew Hurley Teignmouth
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Darren Neary + Richard Jones1
Andrew Mooney Stockport
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Alan Todd + Graham Marshall
Andrew Russell Huddersfield
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Joe Hannity + Marcus Holman
Andrew Walker Darwen
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Michael McHale + Vivenne Cranton
Bill Fisher The Wilmslow
10:50 AM Yellow - Men Bob Gee + David Hughes
Bob Gee Stratford-on-Avon
10:50 AM Yellow - Men Bill Fisher + David Hughes
Bob Whitson Silloth
10:20 AM Yellow - Men Dennis Hale + Ian Robinson1
Brian Macdonald Harpenden Common
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Ian Smith + Paul Turland
Carol Harris Ramsey
11:10 AM Red - Ladies Peter Horsted + Sharon Clipperton
Chris Knowles The Warwickshire
10:40 AM Yellow - Men Leigh Roberts + Steve Grundy
Chris Mulhearn Flixton
2:10 PM Yellow - Men John Hughes + Nigel Yates
Christopher Hornsby Heswall
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Ian Brown + Rennie Mintern
Claire Cordery-Campbell Coventry
1:10 PM Red - Ladies Glyn Rodgers + Jeff Jacobs
Colin Mason Belton Park
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Nigel Wright + Yim Kong
Darren Neary Drax
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Hurley + Richard Jones1
Darren Sargood Greetham Valley
2:50 PM Yellow - Men David Cairns + James Kearney
Dave Lawlor Stockwood Park
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Graham Reeve + Graham Tansley
Dave Rowland Leigh
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Dave Viggars + Philip Tiddy
Dave Viggars Sandbach
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Dave Rowland + Philip Tiddy
Dave Williams Leeds Golf Centre
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Alan Scopes + Tony Lissett
David Arundale Kenilworth
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Geoff Robb + Steve Morris
David Cairns Skipton
2:50 PM Yellow - Men Darren Sargood + James Kearney
David Hughes The Shropshire
10:50 AM Yellow - Men Bill Fisher + Bob Gee
David Simpson Sandiway
2:30 PM Yellow - Men Keith Walmsley + Paul Clegg
Denis Secher Coventry
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Diane Gillen + John Outram
Dennis Hale Appleby
10:20 AM Yellow - Men Bob Whitson + Ian Robinson1
Diane Gillen Stone
1:00 PM Red - Ladies Denis Secher + John Outram
Gary Phillipson Darwen
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Jon Cranton + Richard Farmer
Gary Boyd West Essex
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Alistair Booth + Nick Kelly
Geoff Robb Buckingham
9:00 AM Yellow - Men David Arundale + Steve Morris
George Grant1 Greetham Valley
2:20 PM Yellow - Men Paul Blackham + Paul Hays
Gerry O Donohoe Finchley
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Khalid Aslam + Robbie Macpherson
Glyn Rodgers Fulford
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Claire Cordery-Campbell + Jeff Jacobs
Graham Bond Headingley
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Jeremy Homan-Green + Liam Ridgill
Graham Lock Stapleford Abbotts
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Mike Abbotts + Paul Dimmer
Graham Marshall Peterborough Milton
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Alan Todd + Andrew Mooney
Graham Reeve Market Rasen
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Dave Lawlor + Graham Tansley
Graham Tansley West Essex
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Dave Lawlor + Graham Reeve
Hayden Williams Sandiway
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Mark Patton + Tom Martin
Ian Brown Darwen
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Christopher Hornsby + Rennie Mintern
Ian Robinson1 Rufford Park
10:20 AM Yellow - Men Bob Whitson + Dennis Hale
Ian Smith Peterborough Milton
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Brian Macdonald + Paul Turland
Ian Wright Enfield
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Keith Taylor1 + Paul Marsden
Ian Wyatt Ganton
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Peter Reeves + Phil Harvey
James Kearney Stableford Abbots
2:50 PM Yellow - Men Darren Sargood + David Cairns
James Wale Stapleford Abbotts
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Richard Wilson + Steven Clayton1
Jeff Jacobs Northamptonshire County
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Claire Cordery-Campbell + Glyn Rodgers
Jenny Smale Whittington Heath
1:30 PM Red - Ladies Jonathan Rose + Neil Waite
Jeremy Hall Ashton-under-Lyne
1:20 PM Yellow - Men John Mackie + Steve Birt
Jeremy Homan-Green Cirencester
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Graham Bond + Liam Ridgill
Jeremy Tomlinson Marlborough
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Nicholas Earl + Nick Baker
Joe Hannity Tankersley Park
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Andrew Russell + Marcus Holman
John Harris1 Ramsey
11:00 AM Yellow - Men John Kerr + Vicki Hughes
John Hughes The Shropshire
2:10 PM Yellow - Men Chris Mulhearn + Nigel Yates
John Kerr East Herts
11:00 AM Yellow - Men John Harris1 + Vicki Hughes
John Mackie Stapleford Abbotts
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Jeremy Hall + Steve Birt
John Outram Sickleholme
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Denis Secher + Diane Gillen
Jon Cranton Redditch
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Gary Phillipson + Richard Farmer
Jonathan Rose Feldon Valley
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Jenny Smale + Neil Waite
Jules Heath Stafford Castle
12:50 PM Red - Ladies Mick Cartwright + Steve Metcalfe
Keith Taylor1 Appleby
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Ian Wright + Paul Marsden
Keith Walmsley Hindley Hall
2:30 PM Yellow - Men David Simpson + Paul Clegg
Khalid Aslam Stoneham
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Gerry O Donohoe + Robbie Macpherson
Leigh Roberts Wychwood Park
10:40 AM Yellow - Men Chris Knowles + Steve Grundy
Liam Ridgill Drax
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Graham Bond + Jeremy Homan-Green
Louise Aspden Ellesmere
9:20 AM Red - Ladies Niall Campbell + Steve Cooke
Marcus Holman South Herts
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Andrew Russell + Joe Hannity
Mark Patton Stand
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Hayden Williams + Tom Martin
Mark Stokes Studley Wood
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Paul Scriven + Peter Yorston
Michael Hoare1 Ely City
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Alan Percival + Philip Swan
Michael McHale Sickleholme
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Andrew Walker + Vivenne Cranton
Mick Cartwright Sickleholme
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Jules Heath + Steve Metcalfe
Mick Slowey Kenwick Park
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Nicholas Horwood + Robert Kershaw
Mike Abbotts Feldon Valley
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Graham Lock + Paul Dimmer
Naranjan Benawra Finchley
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Robert Jones + Scott Talbert
Neil Waite Vicars Cross
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Jenny Smale + Jonathan Rose
Niall Campbell Feldon Valley
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Louise Aspden + Steve Cooke
Nicholas Earl Maxstoke Park
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Jeremy Tomlinson + Nick Baker
Nicholas Horwood Enfield
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Mick Slowey + Robert Kershaw
Nick Baker Shrewsbury
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Jeremy Tomlinson + Nicholas Earl
Nick Kelly Church Stretton
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Alistair Booth + Gary Boyd
Nigel Yates Darwen
2:10 PM Yellow - Men Chris Mulhearn + John Hughes
Nigel Wright Broome Manor
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Colin Mason + Yim Kong
Paul Blackham Forest Pines
2:20 PM Yellow - Men George Grant1 + Paul Hays
Paul Clegg Greetham Valley
2:30 PM Yellow - Men David Simpson + Keith Walmsley
Paul Dimmer Haste Hill
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Graham Lock + Mike Abbotts
Paul Hays Wath
2:20 PM Yellow - Men George Grant1 + Paul Blackham
Paul Marsden Kenwick Park
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Ian Wright + Keith Taylor1
Paul Scriven Barlaston
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Mark Stokes + Peter Yorston
Paul Turland Broome Manor
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Brian Macdonald + Ian Smith
Peter Horsted Peterborough Milton
11:10 AM Yellow - Men Carol Harris + Sharon Clipperton
Peter Reeves Frilford Heath
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Ian Wyatt + Phil Harvey
Peter Yorston Sherwood Forest
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Mark Stokes + Paul Scriven
Phil Harvey Royal Birkdale
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Ian Wyatt + Peter Reeves
Philip Swan East Herts
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Alan Percival + Michael Hoare1
Philip Tiddy Enfield
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Dave Rowland + Dave Viggars
Rennie Mintern Chevin
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Christopher Hornsby + Ian Brown
Richard Farmer Sickleholme
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Gary Phillipson + Jon Cranton
Richard Jones1 Baildon
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Hurley + Darren Neary
Richard Wilson Greetham Valley
2:40 PM Yellow - Men James Wale + Steven Clayton1
Robbie Macpherson Buckingham
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Gerry O Donohoe + Khalid Aslam
Robert Jones Tadmarton Heath
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Naranjan Benawra + Scott Talbert
Robert Kershaw Ellesmere
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Mick Slowey + Nicholas Horwood
Scott Talbert Wrag Barn
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Naranjan Benawra + Robert Jones
Sharon Clipperton Ganton
11:10 AM Red - Ladies Carol Harris + Peter Horsted
Steve Cooke Vale of Llangollen
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Louise Aspden + Niall Campbell
Steve Birt Marriott Worsley Park
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Jeremy Hall + John Mackie
Steve Grundy East Herts
10:40 AM Yellow - Men Chris Knowles + Leigh Roberts
Steve Metcalfe Brocton Hall
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Jules Heath + Mick Cartwright
Steve Morris Finchley
9:00 AM Yellow - Men David Arundale + Geoff Robb
Steven Clayton1 Skipton
2:40 PM Yellow - Men James Wale + Richard Wilson
Tom Martin Sand Moor
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Hayden Williams + Mark Patton
Tony Lissett Deane
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Alan Scopes + Dave Williams
Vicki Hughes The Shropshire
11:00 AM Red - Ladies John Harris1 + John Kerr
Vivenne Cranton Redditch
12:30 PM Red - Ladies Andrew Walker + Michael McHale
Yim Kong Nene Park
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Colin Mason + Nigel Wright