Hertfordshire Invitational England Captains (Old Fold Manor) Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Thu, July 11

Old Fold Manor - Archived on 07-28-2024
Time Players
Old Fold Manor - Archived on 07-28-2024
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adrian Gipson Stowmarket
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Colin Mason + Michael Shilling
Alan Parmenter Crondon Park
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Malcolm Roberts1 + Steve Cowan
Alan Plumb Strawberry Hill
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Dave Rowland + Neil Crees
Alan Scopes Stapleford Abbots
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Chris Knowles + Leon Espley
Andrew Morris Richings Park
10:50 AM Yellow - Men Don Stewart + Peter Revell
Andy Latham Carden Park
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Gordon Treadway + Simon Freemantle
Bryan Mundy Worthing
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Ian Harvey + Robert Bage
Carl Bache Goring & Streatley
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Denis Secher + Philip Morris
Carol Harris Ramsey
11:00 AM Red - Ladies George Sheriff + Jon Cranton
Cherry Kealy Enfield
2:50 PM Red - Ladies David Stiff + James Wale
Chris Augousti Marriott Forest of Arden
10:40 AM Yellow - Men Ivan Lawrence + Lee Irvine
Chris Knowles The Warwickshire
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Alan Scopes + Leon Espley
Chris Wise Holtye
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Paul Clegg + Roger Young
Christopher O'Donoghue Redlibbets
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Gurmit Sanghera + Peter Hughes
Claire Cordery-Campbell Coventry
12:00 PM Red - Ladies Gerry Miller + Matthew Aston
Colin Andrews Ashford Kent
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Marc Gauci + Peter Long
Colin Mason Belton Park
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Adrian Gipson + Michael Shilling
Colin Payne Dunston Hall
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Gurdev Sangha + Guy Baxter
Colin Tungate Reading
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Jonathan Rose + Lee Stevenson
Craig Jeffrey Redlibbets
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Jonathan Foster + Kathie Mabberley
Darren Sargood Greetham Valley
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Randy Plowright + Steven Baxter
Dave Lawlor Stockwood Park
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Kevin Young + Nicholas Horwood
Dave Howell Corhampton
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Geoff Robb + Ian Smith
Dave Rowland Leigh
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Alan Plumb + Neil Crees
David Arundale Kenilworth
8:40 AM Yellow - Men John Mackie + Tony Pinn
David Brimley Stock Brook Manor
2:20 PM Yellow - Men Martin Simpson + Patrick Walsh
David Glasgow Crews Hill
2:10 PM Yellow - Men Steve Bowers
David Hawkins Stocks
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Paul Dimmer + Philip Tiddy
David Lakin Tadmarton Heath
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Graham Marshall + Michael Longmire
David Stiff Ealing
2:50 PM Yellow - Men Cherry Kealy + James Wale
Denis Secher Coventry
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Carl Bache + Philip Morris
Dennis Bailey Rochford Hundred
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Gerry O Donohoe + Mitch Holyoake
Don Stewart Brent Valley
10:50 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Morris + Peter Revell
Elizabeth Perrottet Berkhamsted
10:20 AM Red - Ladies Gay Bentley-Coleman + Tracey Parsons
Eric Walters Reigate Hill
2:30 PM Yellow - Men Graham Lock + Lawrence Kingsnorth
Gay Bentley-Coleman Henley
10:20 AM Red - Ladies Elizabeth Perrottet + Tracey Parsons
Geoff Robb Buckingham
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Dave Howell + Ian Smith
George Grant Leaside
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Graham Goodkind + Kevin Amner
George Sheriff Haste Hilll
11:00 AM Yellow - Men Carol Harris + Jon Cranton
Gerry Miller West Malling
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Claire Cordery-Campbell + Matthew Aston
Gerry O Donohoe Finchley
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Dennis Bailey + Mitch Holyoake
Gordon Treadway West Middlesex
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Andy Latham + Simon Freemantle
Graham Goodkind Hartsbourne
8:30 AM Yellow - Men George Grant + Kevin Amner
Graham Lock Stapleford Abbotts
2:30 PM Yellow - Men Eric Walters + Lawrence Kingsnorth
Graham Marshall Peterborough Milton
9:00 AM Yellow - Men David Lakin + Michael Longmire
Gurdev Sangha West Malling
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Colin Payne + Guy Baxter
Gurmit Sanghera North Middlesex
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Christopher O'Donoghue + Peter Hughes
Guy Baxter Ashford (Kent)
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Colin Payne + Gurdev Sangha
Guy Lesser Bury St Edmunds
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Stuart Rivett
Huw West Nene Park
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Nigel Lipscomb
Ian Harvey Thetford
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Bryan Mundy + Robert Bage
Ian Moffitt Hessle
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Ian Wright + Michael Robinson
Ian Smith Peterborough Milton
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Dave Howell + Geoff Robb
Ian Wright Enfield
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Ian Moffitt + Michael Robinson
Ingrid Long Sundridge Park
1:50 PM Red - Ladies Mark Sapsford + Naranjan Benawra
Ivan Lawrence Little Hay
10:40 AM Yellow - Men Chris Augousti + Lee Irvine
James Kearney Stableford Abbots
8:50 AM Yellow - Men John Batchelor + Keith Brown
James Wale Stapleford Abbotts
2:50 PM Yellow - Men Cherry Kealy + David Stiff
Jenny Arnold Coventry
1:00 PM Red - Ladies John Smith + Tony Cunningham
John Batchelor Old Fold Manor
8:50 AM Yellow - Men James Kearney + Keith Brown
John Harris Ramsey
11:10 AM Yellow - Men Raphael Richards + Steve Cockerell
John Mackie Stapleford Abbotts
8:40 AM Yellow - Men David Arundale + Tony Pinn
John Smith Burnham Beeches
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Jenny Arnold + Tony Cunningham
Jon Cranton Redditch
11:00 AM Yellow - Men Carol Harris + George Sheriff
Jonathan Foster Enfield
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Craig Jeffrey + Kathie Mabberley
Jonathan Rose Feldon Valley
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Colin Tungate + Lee Stevenson
Justin Powlesland Exeter
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Nicholas Earl + Stephen Bennett
Kathie Mabberley Littlestone
8:20 AM Red - Ladies Craig Jeffrey + Jonathan Foster
Keith Brown Puttenham
8:50 AM Yellow - Men James Kearney + John Batchelor
Kevin Amner Woodbridge
8:30 AM Yellow - Men George Grant + Graham Goodkind
Kevin Young Cirencester
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Dave Lawlor + Nicholas Horwood
Lawrence Kingsnorth Romford
2:30 PM Yellow - Men Eric Walters + Graham Lock
Lee Irvine Sand Martins
10:40 AM Yellow - Men Chris Augousti + Ivan Lawrence
Lee Stevenson Crondon Park
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Colin Tungate + Jonathan Rose
Leon Espley Heacham Manor
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Alan Scopes + Chris Knowles
Malcolm Roberts1 West Malling
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Alan Parmenter + Steve Cowan
Marc Gauci Woolston Manor
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Colin Andrews + Peter Long
Mark Sapsford Woolston Manor
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Ingrid Long + Naranjan Benawra
Martin Simpson Betchworth Park
2:20 PM Yellow - Men David Brimley + Patrick Walsh
Matthew Aston Ivinghoe
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Claire Cordery-Campbell + Gerry Miller
Michael Longmire Letchworth
9:00 AM Yellow - Men David Lakin + Graham Marshall
Michael Robinson March
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Ian Moffitt + Ian Wright
Michael Shilling Ealing
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Adrian Gipson + Colin Mason
Mike Stevens Farnham
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Robbie Macpherson + Yim Kong
Mitch Holyoake Winter Hill
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Dennis Bailey + Gerry O Donohoe
Naranjan Benawra Finchley
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Ingrid Long + Mark Sapsford
Neil Crees Greetham Valley
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Alan Plumb + Dave Rowland
Nicholas Earl Maxstoke Park
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Justin Powlesland + Stephen Bennett
Nicholas Horwood Enfield
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Dave Lawlor + Kevin Young
Nigel Lipscomb Brent Valley
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Huw West
Patrick Walsh Crews Hill
2:20 PM Yellow - Men David Brimley + Martin Simpson
Paul Clegg Greetham Valley
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Chris Wise + Roger Young
Paul Dimmer Haste Hill
9:40 AM Yellow - Men David Hawkins + Philip Tiddy
Paul Vass Bungay & Waveney Valley
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Rennie Kapila
Peter Hughes West Middlesex
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Christopher O'Donoghue + Gurmit Sanghera
Peter Long Sundridge Park
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Colin Andrews + Marc Gauci
Peter Revell Bungay & Waveney Valley
10:50 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Morris + Don Stewart
Philip Morris Buckingham
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Carl Bache + Denis Secher
Philip Tiddy Enfield
9:40 AM Yellow - Men David Hawkins + Paul Dimmer
Randy Plowright Woolston Manor
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Darren Sargood + Steven Baxter
Raphael Richards Oakmere Park Commanders
11:10 AM Yellow - Men John Harris + Steve Cockerell
Rennie Kapila Elton Furze
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Paul Vass
Robbie Macpherson Buckingham
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Mike Stevens + Yim Kong
Robert Bage John O'Gaunt
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Bryan Mundy + Ian Harvey
Roger Young Reigate Hill
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Chris Wise + Paul Clegg
Simon Freemantle Alresford
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Andy Latham + Gordon Treadway
Stephen Bennett Goring & Streatley
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Justin Powlesland + Nicholas Earl
Steve Bowers Northampton
2:10 PM Yellow - Men David Glasgow
Steve Cockerell Chichester
11:10 AM Yellow - Men John Harris + Raphael Richards
Steve Cowan Tyrrells Wood
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Alan Parmenter + Malcolm Roberts1
Steven Baxter Frilford Heath
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Darren Sargood + Randy Plowright
Stuart Rivett Whiteleaf
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Guy Lesser
Tony Cunningham Enfield
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Jenny Arnold + John Smith
Tony Pinn Old Fold Manor
8:40 AM Yellow - Men David Arundale + John Mackie
Tracey Parsons Royston
10:20 AM Red - Ladies Elizabeth Perrottet + Gay Bentley-Coleman
Yim Kong Nene Park
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Mike Stevens + Robbie Macpherson