The South Coast Invitational England Captains (Broadstone) Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Wed, July 24

Broadstone - 4
Time Players
Broadstone - 4
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adam Collins Cirencester
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Ian James + Roger Young
Adrian Gipson Stowmarket
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Christine Mushens + Philip Raybone
Alan Scopes Stapleford Abbots
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Guy Baxter + Russell Boots-Taylor
Alan Todd Ely City
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Crispin Bradley + John Wright
Andrew Hurley Teignmouth
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Nick Kelly + Pete Edgeller
Andrew Pryce Tiverton
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Karen Pollard + Robert Goldsmith
Brian Macdonald Harpenden Common
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Clive Morton + Graham Barker
Brian Mushens Dartmouth
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Marian Raybone + Stephen Bishop
Bryan Powell Colne Valley
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Dave Howell + Stuart Rivett
Caroline Harrison West Malling
12:10 PM Red - Ladies Pearl Powell + Robbie Macpherson
Cherry Kealy Enfield
9:20 AM Red - Ladies Neil Crees + Stuart Feargrieve
Christine Mushens Dartmouth
1:30 PM Red - Ladies Adrian Gipson + Philip Raybone
Christopher Boyle The Kendleshire
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Steve Morris + Yim Kong
Christopher Skiller Redlibbets
11:00 AM Yellow - Men Dougie Gray + Niall Campbell
Claire Cordery-Campbell Coventry
1:50 PM Red - Ladies Jane Smith + Peter Hollingsworth
Clive Morton Strawberry Hill
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Brian Macdonald + Graham Barker
Colin Beadle St Mellion
2:30 PM Yellow - Men Graham Lock + Peter Risely
Colin Jobson Reigate Hill
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Ian Black + Matthew Cohen
Craig Harris Glen Gorse
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Jenny Arnold + John Hughes
Crispin Bradley Henbury
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Alan Todd + John Wright
Dave Howell Corhampton
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Bryan Powell + Stuart Rivett
Dave Rowland Leigh
1:00 PM Yellow - Men James Kearney + Mark Bisset
David Bentham Ellesborough
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Jon Cranton + Varinder Chohan
David Cort Beedles Lake
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Lydia Doherty + Raphael Richards
David Gover The Kendleshire
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Marc Gauci + Mark Sapsford
David Hughes The Shropshire
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Graham Bowers + Lawrence Kingsnorth
David Lakin Tadmarton Heath
11:10 AM Yellow - Men Sue Grieve + Wendy Skiller
Denis Secher Coventry
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Leslie Hughes + Ray Smith
Denis Webber Compton Minehead & West Somerset
1:10 PM Yellow - Men John Mackie + Tony Billson
Dick McDaniell Strawberry Hill
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Jonathan Foster + Steven Doel
Dougie Gray Broadstone
11:00 AM Yellow - Men Christopher Skiller + Niall Campbell
Elizabeth Perrottet Berkhamsted
10:50 AM Red - Ladies Maggie Findlay + Mike Stevens
Garrie Brandon Aspley Guise & Woburn Sands
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Gary Boyd + Gerry O Donohoe
Gary Boyd West Essex
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Garrie Brandon + Gerry O Donohoe
Gerry O Donohoe Finchley
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Garrie Brandon + Gary Boyd
Gordon Treadway West Middlesex
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Jonathan Morris + Simon Freemantle
Graham Barker Copt Heath
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Brian Macdonald + Clive Morton
Graham Bowers Burnham-on-Crouch
10:00 AM Yellow - Men David Hughes + Lawrence Kingsnorth
Graham Lock Stapleford Abbotts
2:30 PM Yellow - Men Colin Beadle + Peter Risely
Guy Baxter Ashford (Kent)
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Alan Scopes + Russell Boots-Taylor
Ian Black Exeter
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Colin Jobson + Matthew Cohen
Ian James Bristol & Clifton
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Adam Collins + Roger Young
Ian Smith Peterborough Milton
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Naranjan Benawra + Nick Corderoy
Ian Wright Enfield
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Justin Powlesland + Steve Deacon
James Kearney Stableford Abbots
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Dave Rowland + Mark Bisset
James Wale Stapleford Abbotts
2:50 PM Yellow - Men Roger Thomas + Tony Cunningham
Jane Smith The Wiltshire
1:50 PM Red - Ladies Claire Cordery-Campbell + Peter Hollingsworth
Jenny Arnold Coventry
10:10 AM Red - Ladies Craig Harris + John Hughes
John Cogan Test Valley
2:20 PM Yellow - Men Kevin Neal + Nick Brown
John Harris West Malling
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Philip Tiddy + Robert Starling
John Harrison West Malling
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Martin Neal + Philip Morris
John Hughes The Shropshire
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Craig Harris + Jenny Arnold
John Kelly Church Stretton
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Nicholas Earl + Philip Swan
John Mackie Stapleford Abbotts
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Denis Webber Compton + Tony Billson
John Mark Tiplady Alresford
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Sandra Williams + Steven Baxter
John Wright Finchley
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Alan Todd + Crispin Bradley
Jon Cranton Redditch
8:50 AM Yellow - Men David Bentham + Varinder Chohan
Jonathan Foster Enfield
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Dick McDaniell + Steven Doel
Jonathan Morris Burnham Beeches
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Gordon Treadway + Simon Freemantle
Justin Powlesland Exeter
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Ian Wright + Steve Deacon
Karen Pollard Henley
1:40 PM Red - Ladies Andrew Pryce + Robert Goldsmith
Keith Ashenhurst Brickhampton Court
10:20 AM Yellow - Men Tim Smith + Vicki Hughes
Keith Brown Puttenham
10:40 AM Yellow - Men Marion Pollock + Robert Jones
Kevin Neal The Players
2:20 PM Yellow - Men John Cogan + Nick Brown
Kevin Robson Portmore
2:10 PM Yellow - Men Martin White + Steve Smith
Lawrence Kingsnorth Romford
10:00 AM Yellow - Men David Hughes + Graham Bowers
Leslie Hughes Naunton Downs
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Denis Secher + Ray Smith
Lydia Doherty West Malling
12:30 PM Red - Ladies David Cort + Raphael Richards
Maggie Findlay Frilford Heath
10:50 AM Red - Ladies Elizabeth Perrottet + Mike Stevens
Marc Gauci Woolston Manor
8:00 AM Yellow - Men David Gover + Mark Sapsford
Marian Raybone Hankley Common
1:20 PM Red - Ladies Brian Mushens + Stephen Bishop
Marion Pollock Tewkesbury Park
10:40 AM Purple - Ladies Keith Brown + Robert Jones
Mark Bisset Cirencester
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Dave Rowland + James Kearney
Mark Sapsford Woolston Manor
8:00 AM Yellow - Men David Gover + Marc Gauci
Martin Neal The Players
12:20 PM Yellow - Men John Harrison + Philip Morris
Martin White Players Club
2:10 PM Yellow - Men Kevin Robson + Steve Smith
Matthew Cohen South Herts
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Colin Jobson + Ian Black
Mike Stevens Farnham
10:50 AM Yellow - Men Elizabeth Perrottet + Maggie Findlay
Naranjan Benawra Finchley
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Ian Smith + Nick Corderoy
Neil Crees Greetham Valley
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Cherry Kealy + Stuart Feargrieve
Niall Campbell Feldon Valley
11:00 AM Yellow - Men Christopher Skiller + Dougie Gray
Nicholas Earl Maxstoke Park
9:40 AM Yellow - Men John Kelly + Philip Swan
Nick Brown Cirencester
2:20 PM Yellow - Men John Cogan + Kevin Neal
Nick Corderoy Kendleshire
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Ian Smith + Naranjan Benawra
Nick Kelly Church Stretton
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Hurley + Pete Edgeller
Pearl Powell Colne Valley
12:10 PM Red - Ladies Caroline Harrison + Robbie Macpherson
Pete Edgeller Hillside
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Hurley + Nick Kelly
Peter Hollingsworth Oakland Park
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Claire Cordery-Campbell + Jane Smith
Peter Risely Mullion
2:30 PM Yellow - Men Colin Beadle + Graham Lock
Philip Morris Buckingham
12:20 PM Yellow - Men John Harrison + Martin Neal
Philip Raybone Hankley Common
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Adrian Gipson + Christine Mushens
Philip Swan East Herts
9:40 AM Yellow - Men John Kelly + Nicholas Earl
Philip Tiddy Enfield
11:50 AM Yellow - Men John Harris + Robert Starling
Raphael Richards Oakmere Park Commanders
12:30 PM Yellow - Men David Cort + Lydia Doherty
Ray Smith The Wiltshire
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Denis Secher + Leslie Hughes
Robbie Macpherson Buckingham
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Caroline Harrison + Pearl Powell
Robert Goldsmith Gerrards Cross
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Andrew Pryce + Karen Pollard
Robert Jones Tadmarton Heath
10:40 AM Yellow - Men Keith Brown + Marion Pollock
Robert Starling Bovey Tracey
11:50 AM Yellow - Men John Harris + Philip Tiddy
Roger Thomas Wrekin
2:50 PM Yellow - Men James Wale + Tony Cunningham
Roger Young Reigate Hill
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Adam Collins + Ian James
Russell Boots-Taylor Reigate Hill
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Alan Scopes + Guy Baxter
Sandra Williams Royston
12:50 PM Red - Ladies John Mark Tiplady + Steven Baxter
Simon Freemantle Alresford
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Gordon Treadway + Jonathan Morris
Stephen Bishop Cirencester
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Brian Mushens + Marian Raybone
Steve Deacon West Malling
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Ian Wright + Justin Powlesland
Steve Morris Finchley
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Christopher Boyle + Yim Kong
Steve Smith The Wiltshire
2:10 PM Yellow - Men Kevin Robson + Martin White
Steven Baxter Frilford Heath
12:50 PM Yellow - Men John Mark Tiplady + Sandra Williams
Steven Doel Rowlands Castle
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Dick McDaniell + Jonathan Foster
Stuart Feargrieve Strawberry Hill
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Cherry Kealy + Neil Crees
Stuart Rivett Whiteleaf
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Bryan Powell + Dave Howell
Sue Grieve Broadstone
11:10 AM Red - Ladies David Lakin + Wendy Skiller
Tim Smith Glen Gorse
10:20 AM Yellow - Men Keith Ashenhurst + Vicki Hughes
Tony Billson Test Valley
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Denis Webber Compton + John Mackie
Tony Cunningham Enfield
2:50 PM Yellow - Men James Wale + Roger Thomas
Varinder Chohan Cooden Beach
8:50 AM Yellow - Men David Bentham + Jon Cranton
Vicki Hughes The Shropshire
10:20 AM Red - Ladies Keith Ashenhurst + Tim Smith
Wendy Skiller Wrotham Heath
11:10 AM Red - Ladies David Lakin + Sue Grieve
Yim Kong Nene Park
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Christopher Boyle + Steve Morris