Yorkshire Rose England Captains (Selby) Tee Sheet

Yorkshire Rose EG Captains (Selby) - Tue, June 18

Selby - Archived on 07-28-2024
Time Players
Selby - Archived on 07-28-2024
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adrian Gipson Stowmarket
1:10 PM Yellow - Men James Wale + John Hargreaves
Alan Newbold Denton
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Chris Woodcock + Neil Widdop
Alan Scopes Stapleford Abbots
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Neil McIntyre + Paul Smith
Alison Best Selby
11:10 AM Red - Ladies Chris Augousti + Mark Clayton
Alistair Booth Frilford Heath
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Chris Stanley + Simon Elliott
Andrew Raine Hillsborough
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Andy Fairbairn + Dave Carter
Andrew Russell Huddersfield
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Nick Wood + Stuart Rivett
Andy Fairbairn Halifax
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Raine + Dave Carter
Andy Latham Carden Park
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Nicholas Earl + Peter Collins
Ben Gardiner Beverley & East Riding
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Ian Grimsditch + Michael Hinchliffe
Bill Fisher The Wilmslow
11:40 AM Yellow - Men David Weldon + Nigel Clowes
Bob Gee Stratford-on-Avon
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Graham Bowers + Neil Drummomd
Bob Whitson Silloth
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Colin Parsons
Brian Macdonald Harpenden Common
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Charles McGibbon + Mel Morgan-Davis
Brian Wilkinson Otley
2:10 PM Yellow - Men John Bett + Steve Hall
Bruce Macfarlane Belton Park
1:20 PM Yellow - Men James Kearney + Peter Lappin
Charles McGibbon The Warwickshire
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Brian Macdonald + Mel Morgan-Davis
Chris Augousti Marriott Forest of Arden
11:10 AM Yellow - Men Alison Best + Mark Clayton
Chris Knowles The Warwickshire
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Duncan Grant + Peter Claughton
Chris Mulhearn Flixton
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Jeffrey Victor Clements + Martin Tate
Chris Stanley Scarborough North Cliff
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Alistair Booth + Simon Elliott
Chris Woodcock Boothferry
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Alan Newbold + Neil Widdop
Christopher Adams Prestbury
2:00 PM Yellow - Men John Whorton + Mike Tompkinson
Colin Parsons Bulwell Forest
9:10 AM Yellow - Men Bob Whitson
Darren Neary Drax
11:00 AM Yellow - Men Ronald Adams + Simon Edwards
Dave Carter Antrobus
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Raine + Andy Fairbairn
Dave Rowland Leigh
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Dave Williams + Des Robbins
Dave Williams Leeds Golf Centre
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Dave Rowland + Des Robbins
David Hughes Huddersfield
10:40 AM Yellow - Men George Walker + Greg West
David Peel Halifax
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Geoff Illingworth + Terence Young
David Searby Low Laithes
2:30 PM Yellow - Men Harry Horridge
David Simpson Sandiway
2:20 PM Yellow - Men Edward Dunkin + Rennie Mintern
David Weldon Crompton and Royton
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Bill Fisher + Nigel Clowes
Des Robbins torksey
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Dave Rowland + Dave Williams
Diane Gillen Stone
10:50 AM Red - Ladies Robert Kershaw + Vanessa Hart
Duncan Grant Tankersley
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Chris Knowles + Peter Claughton
Edward Dunkin Louth
2:20 PM Yellow - Men David Simpson + Rennie Mintern
Geoff Illingworth Baildon
11:50 AM Yellow - Men David Peel + Terence Young
George Walker Wike Ridge
10:40 AM Yellow - Men David Hughes + Greg West
Graham Bond Headingley
1:30 PM Yellow - Men John Mackie + Pete Edgeller
Graham Bowers Burnham on crouch
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Bob Gee + Neil Drummomd
Graham Lock Stapleford Abbotts
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Keith Walmsley + Michael Brader
Graham Marshall Peterborough Milton
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Paul Blackham + Robert Jones
Greg West Looe
10:40 AM Yellow - Men David Hughes + George Walker
Harry Horridge Grange-over-Sands
2:30 PM Yellow - Men David Searby
Ian Grimsditch Stamford
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Ben Gardiner + Michael Hinchliffe
Ian Smith Peterborough Milton
9:00 AM Yellow - Men John Blears + Keith Seddon
James Kearney Stableford Abbots
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Bruce Macfarlane + Peter Lappin
James Wale Stapleford Abbotts
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Adrian Gipson + John Hargreaves
Jeffrey Victor Clements Stand
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Chris Mulhearn + Martin Tate
John Barrow Flixton
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Neil Bruce + Paul Robinson
John Bett Louth
2:10 PM Yellow - Men Brian Wilkinson + Steve Hall
John Blears Otley
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Ian Smith + Keith Seddon
John Broadbent Huddersfield
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Martin Binns + Micheal Glew
John Burton Cleethorpes
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Keith Danby + Michael Gannon
John Hargreaves Hollinwell
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Adrian Gipson + James Wale
John Hughes The Shropshire
10:20 AM Yellow - Men Jules Heath + Paul Dimmer
John Mackie Stapleford Abbotts
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Graham Bond + Pete Edgeller
John Whorton Widnes
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Christopher Adams + Mike Tompkinson
Jules Heath Stafford Castle
10:20 AM Red - Ladies John Hughes + Paul Dimmer
Karen Elliott Tankersley Park
9:50 AM Red - Ladies Kevin Popplewell + Raphael Richards
Keith Danby Radcliffe on Trent
1:00 PM Yellow - Men John Burton + Michael Gannon
Keith Seddon Rufford Park
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Ian Smith + John Blears
Keith Walmsley Hindley Hall
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Graham Lock + Michael Brader
Kevin Popplewell Rotherham
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Karen Elliott + Raphael Richards
Leigh Roberts Wychwood Park
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Neil Waite + Rupert Munton
Mark Clayton Forest Pines
11:10 AM Yellow - Men Alison Best + Chris Augousti
Martin Binns Baildon
12:00 PM Yellow - Men John Broadbent + Micheal Glew
Martin Tate Blackburn
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Chris Mulhearn + Jeffrey Victor Clements
Mel Morgan-Davis Otley
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Brian Macdonald + Charles McGibbon
Michael Brader Louth
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Graham Lock + Keith Walmsley
Michael Gannon Chilwell Manor
1:00 PM Yellow - Men John Burton + Keith Danby
Michael Hinchliffe Sitwell Park
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Ben Gardiner + Ian Grimsditch
Micheal Glew The Oaks
12:00 PM Yellow - Men John Broadbent + Martin Binns
Mike Tompkinson Louth
2:00 PM Yellow - Men Christopher Adams + John Whorton
Neil Bruce Scarborough South Cliff
12:40 PM Yellow - Men John Barrow + Paul Robinson
Neil Crees Greetham Valley
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Vincent Hardisty
Neil Drummomd Macclesfield
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Bob Gee + Graham Bowers
Neil McIntyre Cleckheaton & District
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Alan Scopes + Paul Smith
Neil Waite Vicars Cross
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Leigh Roberts + Rupert Munton
Neil Widdop Sitwell Park
12:10 PM Yellow - Men Alan Newbold + Chris Woodcock
Nicholas Earl Maxstoke Park
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Andy Latham + Peter Collins
Nick Wood Prestbury
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Russell + Stuart Rivett
Nigel Clowes Rossendale
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Bill Fisher + David Weldon
Paul Naylor Tankersley Park
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Reece Collinge + Terence Friday
Paul Blackham Forest Pines
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Graham Marshall + Robert Jones
Paul Dimmer Haste Hill
10:20 AM Yellow - Men John Hughes + Jules Heath
Paul Robinson Ormonde fields
12:40 PM Yellow - Men John Barrow + Neil Bruce
Paul Smith Breadsll Priory
1:40 PM Yellow - Men Alan Scopes + Neil McIntyre
Pete Edgeller Hillside
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Graham Bond + John Mackie
Peter Claughton Leeds
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Chris Knowles + Duncan Grant
Peter Collins Selby
10:10 AM Yellow - Men Andy Latham + Nicholas Earl
Peter Kolton Easingwold
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Sue Randall + Yim Kong
Peter Lappin Cave Castle
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Bruce Macfarlane + James Kearney
Raphael Richards Oakmere Park Commanders
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Karen Elliott + Kevin Popplewell
Raymond Threadgold Ballards Gore
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Stuart McClure + Tony Lissett
Reece Collinge Colne
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Paul Naylor + Terence Friday
Rennie Mintern Chevin
2:20 PM Yellow - Men David Simpson + Edward Dunkin
Robert Kershaw Ellesmere
10:50 AM Yellow - Men Diane Gillen + Vanessa Hart
Robert Jones Tadmarton Heath
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Graham Marshall + Paul Blackham
Ronald Adams Rotherham
11:00 AM Yellow - Men Darren Neary + Simon Edwards
Rupert Munton Ludlow
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Leigh Roberts + Neil Waite
Simon Edwards Easingwold
11:00 AM Yellow - Men Darren Neary + Ronald Adams
Simon Elliott Tankersley Park
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Alistair Booth + Chris Stanley
Steve Hall Prestbury
2:10 PM Yellow - Men Brian Wilkinson + John Bett
Stuart McClure Hallamshire
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Raymond Threadgold + Tony Lissett
Stuart Rivett Whiteleaf
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Andrew Russell + Nick Wood
Sue Randall The Oaks, Aughton.
8:40 AM Red - Ladies Peter Kolton + Yim Kong
Terence Friday Antrobus
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Paul Naylor + Reece Collinge
Terence Young Drax
11:50 AM Yellow - Men David Peel + Geoff Illingworth
Tony Lissett Deane
2:40 PM Yellow - Men Raymond Threadgold + Stuart McClure
Vanessa Hart York
10:50 AM Red - Ladies Diane Gillen + Robert Kershaw
Vincent Hardisty Tankersley Park
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Neil Crees
Yim Kong Nene Park
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Peter Kolton + Sue Randall